Vintage Gallery #11 The 1940s baby clothes hangers

Bakerlite 1940s children's hangers
I've just packed these away. They have finished their duty as hangers for my children's clothes. Before that they were hangers for me, as a child in the 1970s. Before that (and first and foremost) they were hangers for my father when he was a child in the 1940s. 

In pastel Bakelite with cut-out images of animals and gnomes,  they now await the next generation of babies from a dark corner of the attic. I'm sure the Christmas decorations will keep them company.  

What is Vintage Copywriting? 

Gorgeous vintage finds, described with adoration and photographed up-close by English fashion copywriter Angela Montague. This blog fuses my day job as a fashion copywriter with my two obsessions: beautiful old things and photography.

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